Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule: A Guide For New Moms In 2023

Posted byadmin Posted onMarch 12, 2023 Comments0

Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule: A Guide For New Moms In 2023

Being a new mom can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to creating a schedule for your newborn. That’s where Moms On Call comes in. Moms On Call is a popular parenting resource that provides guidance and support for new parents. In this article, we will be discussing the Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule, sharing personal experiences, and providing a detailed guide on how to follow it.

Personal Experience

As a new mom, I was constantly worried about whether or not I was doing things right. I had read countless books and articles about parenting, but nothing seemed to work. That is until I discovered Moms On Call. The 3 Month Schedule was a game-changer for me. It provided structure and consistency, which made my life and my baby’s life so much easier.

What is the Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule?

The Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule is a daily routine for babies between 8 and 14 weeks old. It is designed to help parents establish a consistent sleep and feeding schedule for their baby. The schedule includes a daily routine that covers everything from feeding times to nap times to playtime.

List of Events or Competition of Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule

Moms On Call hosts various events and competitions throughout the year for new parents. These events include workshops, webinars, and support groups. They also have a yearly Baby of the Year competition, where parents can submit photos of their little ones for a chance to win prizes.

Detail Schedule Guide for Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule

The Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule is broken down into 3 parts: the eat, play, sleep routine. Here is a detailed guide on how to follow the schedule: Eat: – Feed your baby every 3-4 hours during the day, and every 5-6 hours at night. – Make sure to burp your baby after each feeding. – If your baby is still hungry after a feeding, offer more milk. Play: – Engage your baby in playtime for 45-60 minutes after each feeding. – Use toys and music to keep your baby entertained. – Make sure to give your baby plenty of tummy time. Sleep: – Put your baby down for a nap 1-2 hours after each feeding. – Make sure the room is quiet and dark. – Use a swaddle or sleep sack to keep your baby cozy.

Schedule Table for Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule

Here is a sample schedule table for the Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule:

Time Activity
7:00 AM Wake up, change diaper, feed
8:00 AM Playtime
9:00 AM Naptime
11:00 AM Wake up, change diaper, feed
12:00 PM Playtime
1:00 PM Naptime
3:00 PM Wake up, change diaper, feed
4:00 PM Playtime
5:00 PM Naptime
7:00 PM Wake up, change diaper, feed
8:00 PM Playtime
9:00 PM Naptime
11:00 PM Wake up, change diaper, feed
12:00 AM Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: Is the Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule suitable for all babies?
A: Every baby is different, so the schedule may need to be adjusted to fit your baby’s needs. Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?
A: Don’t worry! The schedule is meant to provide structure, but it’s okay if your baby doesn’t follow it exactly. Q: Can I still breastfeed while following the schedule?
A: Yes, absolutely! The schedule can be adjusted to fit your breastfeeding needs.


Q: How do I know when my baby is hungry?
A: Look for signs such as rooting, sucking on fingers, or fussiness. Q: Can I let my baby nap in a swing or bouncer?
A: It’s best to have your baby nap in a crib or bassinet to reduce the risk of SIDS. Q: What if my baby wakes up before nap time is over?
A: It’s okay to let your baby fuss or cry for a few minutes before going in to comfort them. This can help them learn to self-soothe. In conclusion, the Moms On Call 3 Month Schedule is a great resource for new parents. It provides structure and consistency, which can make life easier for both parents and babies. Remember, every baby is different, so don’t be afraid to adjust the schedule to fit your baby’s needs. Happy parenting!

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