Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule: A Guide To Happy And Healthy Babies

Posted byadmin Posted onFebruary 17, 2022 Comments0

Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule: A Guide To Happy And Healthy Babies

As a mother, I understand the challenges of taking care of a newborn. It’s a whole new world filled with sleepless nights, feeding schedules, and endless diaper changes. That’s why when a friend recommended Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule, I was intrigued. I decided to give it a try and was pleasantly surprised by the results.

What is Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule?

Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule is a comprehensive guide to help parents establish a routine for their newborns. The program is designed to teach parents how to create a schedule for feeding, sleeping, and playtime that will help their baby thrive. The system was created by two pediatric nurses, Jennifer Walker and Laura Hunter, who have over 20 years of experience caring for babies.

Why is Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule Different?

What sets Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule apart from other programs is its simplicity. The program is easy to follow and doesn’t require any complicated equipment. It also focuses on the needs of the baby, rather than the parents’ convenience. The program is designed to help babies establish healthy sleep patterns, which in turn helps parents get more rest.

List of Events and Competitions of Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule

Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule offers a variety of events and competitions to help parents stay motivated and engaged. Some of the events include:

  • A photo contest where parents can submit pictures of their babies following the schedule
  • A virtual support group where parents can connect and share their experiences
  • A Q&A session with the founders of Moms On Call

Detail Schedule Guide for Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule

The Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule is divided into four phases, each lasting four weeks. The program includes detailed instructions on how to create a schedule for feeding, sleeping, and playtime. The program also includes information on how to deal with common issues such as colic, reflux, and sleep regression.

Phase 1: Weeks 1-4

During the first four weeks, the focus is on establishing a routine for feeding and sleeping. Parents are encouraged to feed their babies every three hours during the day and every four hours at night. The program also recommends swaddling the baby and placing them on their back to sleep.

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8

During weeks five through eight, parents are encouraged to start introducing a bedtime routine. This includes a bath, a massage, and a bedtime story. The program also recommends starting to introduce a pacifier during this phase.

Phase 3: Weeks 9-12

During weeks nine through twelve, the focus is on establishing a consistent nap schedule. The program recommends two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The program also recommends introducing solid foods during this phase.

Phase 4: Weeks 13-16

During the final phase, the focus is on establishing a consistent bedtime. The program recommends a bedtime between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. The program also recommends transitioning the baby to a crib during this phase.

Schedule Table for Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule

Below is a sample schedule table for Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule:

Time Activity
6:00 am Feed
7:00 am Playtime
8:00 am Nap
10:00 am Feed
11:00 am Playtime
12:00 pm Nap
2:00 pm Feed
3:00 pm Playtime
4:00 pm Nap
6:00 pm Feed
7:00 pm Bath and bedtime routine
8:00 pm Bedtime

Questions and Answers

Q: How long does it take for the program to work?

A: Every baby is different, but most parents see results within the first week of following the schedule.

Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the schedule?

A: The Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule is a guide, not a strict regimen. It’s important to be flexible and adjust the schedule to fit your baby’s needs.


Q: Is Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule safe for my baby?

A: Yes, the program was created by pediatric nurses and is based on years of experience caring for babies.

Q: Can I use Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule if I’m breastfeeding?

A: Yes, the program is designed to work with both breastfed and formula-fed babies. In conclusion, Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule is a comprehensive guide to help parents establish a routine for their newborns. The program is easy to follow and focuses on the needs of the baby. With its simple and effective approach, Moms On Call 16 Week Schedule has helped countless parents create happy and healthy babies.

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